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Pun is one of the ancient trope, which is now widely used as a rhetorical means in advertisements, literature and drama. It is defined as "the humorous use of a word or words that are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings in such a way as to play on two or more of the possible applications"[1]. Since pun contains comic and rakish language style which put the advertisement into the most suitable language environment, many advertisers would like to choose the pun as the most important way of expression in advertisements so that they can be more persuasive and touching. However, some discrepancy between different culture and languages sometimes makes pun untranslatable. For all these reasons, pun becomes the most charming but hard nut to crack.

1.1 The definition and features of pun


 Pun is defined in Longman Dictionary of the English Language as "a witticism, involving the use of a word with more than one meaning, or of words having the same, or nearly the same sound but different meaning". A hinge is the pun itself, and a trigger refers to the intention and background that lies behind the puns.

1.2Classification of pun


As Xu Zhongbing(China) states in The Varieties and Translation of English Puns: "pun can be roughly divided into two parts. They are named paronomasia and antalaclasis[5]". Paronomasia always involves two words, which are similar in pronunciation but different in meaning. As for antalaclasis, it refers to the same word which is used twice or more, but each time it contains different meaning, according to English Writing and Rhetoric written by Prof. Wen Jun, a more specific approach of classification is concluded.. It classifies four categories of pun, that is, homophonic pun, paronomasia, antalaclasis and sylleptic pun.

  Homophonic pun is the use of words, which are identical in pronunciation but different in spellings and meanings. For example, (1)"Make your every hello a real good-buy"(telephone advertisement). Here "buy" reminds people the image of "buy" and "good-bye". The advertiser tries to catch the customers eyes and assure that the purchase of their telephone is sensible..

   Paronomasia involves two words which have similar pronunciation but different meanings. As the beneficial advertisement says that (2)"Drunk drivers often put the quart before the hearse". Here "quart" has similar pronunciation as "cart", while "hearse" has similar pronunciation as "horse". "quart" is a vessel for alcohol and "hearse" is a carriage specially used for conveying the dead to the grave. This pun is used to warn the drivers that drunk driving is dangerous and to remind them of the importance of safe driving.

  Antalaclasis refers to a word used twice or more, but each time with a different meaning. For example, (3)"You need the strongest line of defense against gum disease"(advertisement of JNJ dental floss). It's a common sense that dental floss can keep teeth clean and healthy by defending against gum disease. Here "line" refers to both the material of dental floss and the defensive line against gum disease.

  Sylleptic pun is similar to antalaclasis, but the word is used as a pun only once with two or more different meanings. With sylleptic puns, the advertisement can convey the information in fewer words. For example, (4)"money can not be grown on trees but it blossoms at our branches". This is the advertisement for Lloyd Bank in Britain. "Branch" is a pun and has two meanings: one is in agreement with "trees" in the first sentence, meaning "the arm of a tree"; the other meaning is "division and subsidiary bank". The bank smartly warns consumers that money can not be gained from trees but can be increased continuously once they save money in Lloyd Bank.

2. Function of puns in English advertisement

 While the qualities of advertisements are evaluated, the following values are usually taken into consideration: information value, attention value, aesthetic value and memory value[6]. Information value is the most important of the four. Only when an advertisement i nforms readers of the details of products, such as quality, package and use can make consumers remember the products or be willing to buy them. Otherwise, the potential consumers are easy to be attracted by other products with similar topics and contents. Aesthetic value can create the sense of beauty, which can sometime determine whether the advertisement will succeed. The above three values turn the memory value into reality: to attract the consumers' eyes, to fulfill the purpose of the advertisement, and above all to persuade consumers to buy the products. Advertisers put pun in English advertisement because pun plays an important role in rhetoric and pragmatic areas.

2.1 Rhetoric function

From the rhetoric point of view, a pun is "a figure of speech which consists of similar words or phrases for rhetorical effect, whether humorous or serious"[7]. The pun is basically one of the rhetoric devices that can fulfill this purpose of attracting the attention of readers. A pun is so implicative that it leaves readers so much space for thought and association. The connection between the two respective words or the several relevant meaning conveyed by the same word is able to enrich both the content and the influence of the advertisements. Once the content of advertisement is distinctive with his own brand, it will be easy for the consumer to accept and trust the products the advertisement promotes. As for an advertisement, once attention has been drawn on it, it will merely be a matter of time for consumers to fall in love with it. As the proverb says: “A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day”. Pun is irreplaceable to catch the first eye in advertisements. For example: (5)"Cock refreshes you like no other can". The word "can" may be comprehended literally as "aluminum tin used to contain liquid" while it can also be considered as a modal verb. Therefore, the advertisement can be interpreted in two ways: "Cock refreshes you so greatly that no other drinks can refresh you" or "Cock is able to provide you the number one refreshment than doing other things can achieve. Above all, this advertisement aims to state the function of cock—to bring people the feeling of delight and refreshment.

2.2 Pragmatic function

From the pragmatic point of view, the advertisement with pun can provide information so that the audience can come to know the details of products. Because the use of puns can strength the attention value and direct function of the advertising language, the advertisement with puns inspires the audiences' interest in reading. According to Tanaka, the reason why a pun can cause the interest is that it can create ambiguity, which stimulates the audiences  high on processing and discover the connotation. In this way, reader can remember the advertisement deeply, which the purpose of the advertisement is fulfiled . For example,

(6) Mind your own business? Move it to Milton Hotel.

(7) Milton Hotel is a good location for business.

By the contrast of the above two advertisements, it is easy to discover that the first advertisement, which uses pun, is almost certainly more successful in attracting attention than the second one, which does not contain puns. To some degree, the advertising pun has the great capability of evoking the audiences' attention than other advertisements. In short, the use of the pun ensures that the message is communicated with more "strength".

3. Translation of puns in English advertisement

3.1The importance of pun translation in English advertisement

It is not easy for an advertisement to attract the public's eyes and impress them deeply. While pun can make use of its concise language style, combine the respective meaning of words into a harmonious image, enrich the image that provides the information of advertisement, and ensure the advertisement unique and profound. However, the translation of puns is considered to be extremely difficult. Many people consider puns as "untranslatable". And we have to admit the difficulty in the translation of puns. On the one hand, we must try our best to eliminate the barriers of different culture and language so that we can convey information precisely. On the other hand, we have to make adjustment and break through the limitation of culture and language so as to keep balance of source language and target language. To some degree, it is very crucial to apply dexterous techniques to translate puns in English advertisement. 

3.2Delabastita's theory for translating puns

3.2.1The comment on Delabastita's method for translating puns


 According to Chang Namfung,a Chinese scholar, Delabastita’s theory of translating puns is detailed and reasonable. And Delabastita’s ten translation methods can be classified into two categories.[8] The first category aims to emphasize the importance of explaining translated text sufficiently, including translating a pun with a non-pun word, copying the pun word and translating the pun wit h editorial techniques; while the second category aims to emphasize the importance of accepting the essential meaing of translated text, including translating a pun with a pun of different type, omitting the original pun word, translating a non-pun word with a pun word, adding a pun in the translated text. The method of translating a pun with a pun of the same type owns the characteristics of both categories.

  Chang Namfung holds that Delabastita’s translation-method classifications of puns do not own much specificity of language, which means that the classifications are be applicable in some situations, including the translation of puns between European languages as well as the translation between English and Chinese in the rough. He also says that the method for translating puns by copying is an exception, for it is much more used in the translations between Latin languages but less used in the translation between English and Chinese. Therefore, it is reasonable to make use of the advantage of this method and abandon its disadvantage, making the translation of pun easier.

3.2.2 Translation methods of puns on basis of Delabastita's theory


Delabastita’s translation-method classification is detailed, but it is thought to be over-elaborated. Besides, from what has been discussed above, it is known that not all the translation methods for puns listed by Delabastita suit the translation of puns from English into Chinese. Therefore, the methods of translating the puns from English into Chinese should be further categorized. On the basis of Delabastita’s theory and some practical examples of translations of puns from English into Chinese, this paper holds that when translators try to translate an English pun into Chinese, the following methods can be adopted: translating a pun with a pun,  and translating a pun with a non-pun word or phrase.

A. Translating a Pun with a Pun

This category of methods for translating puns includes Delabastita’s first three methods, that is, translation of a pun with a pun of the same type, translation of a pun with a pun of different type and translation of a pun with a different pun.

B. Translation of a Pun with a Non-pun Word or Phrase.

This category of methods exist because of the limitations in translation of languages, cultures, customs and the like, especially when two referential meanings of a pun in English can not always be translated into Chinese at the same time. When a formal translation, rather confusing, causes some troubles for target readers, and fails to convey every connotation of the original pun, it would be better for the translator to find and focus on the most important meaning. That is to say, the translated text may have to sacrifice the comparatively minor significant meaning in the original pun.

3.3 Translating techniques of puns in English advertisement


Generally speaking, faithfulness and expressiveness are the two common criteria in translation.. "Faithfulness" refers to be faithful in conveying the content and style of original text. The translators should express the original meaning comprehensively and accurately without any important loss. "Expressiveness" means that the version must be clear, distinct and fluent, easy to be understood. Sometimes the expressiveness can only be achieved by sacrificing faithfulness. In fact, the translation of puns is somewhat a contradictory combination. It is a torturing task to decide when to comply with "faithfulness", when to choose "expressiveness" and when to integrate both. Therefore, pun’s untranslatable essence determines what techniques should be adopted in translating puns..    

3.3.1 Fit translation(契合译法)

  Translating puns is considered as a daunting task because the same type of pun or different pun have to express the double meaning, while the pronunciation, word form and the various meanings of puns have constructed the barriers of translatability of double meaning. But "some puns is not definitely untranslatable, it is possible to combine the source language and the target language"[9]. As we know, no translation is completely equivalent, so it is best to speak of “functional equivalence” in terms of a range of adequacy. Functional equivalence is first called “dynamic equivalence”. In Eugene Nida’s book Toward a Science of Translating, he defines dynamic translation as “the closest natural equivalent to the source-language message”. (Nida 2001b, 166) On the basis of integrating the two languages, the association-combined translating skill gives attention to both the form and the content of the advertisement. That means to translate the language under the direction of the Functional Equivalence theory. It is the highest criterion of translating pun in English advertisement.

eg: (8)Every kid should have an apple after school.(advertisement of computer)


 Here "apple" is a pun, which re fers to one kind of fruit and a brand of computer. Therefore, this advertisement covers two meaning: One implies that children should eat an apple for extra-nutrition after class. The other means that it is more essential to own an apple computer for the children’s pabulum.


3.3.2 Semantic difference(分别表义法)


Translatability has always been the controversial issue in translation study for a long time. Obviously, some translators take puns as the preferred instance to validate the untranslatability. However, each kind of language has its own specific national history, culture and psychological background; different language system varies in language structure, thought and presentation. By this token, absolute translation equivalence doesn't exist. When translators can not find the corresponding words to express the source language, they are in need of blazing a trail to interpret the puns appropriately.   The method of semantic difference means adopting the flexible way of decomposing the meaning of pun into two levels: surface meaning and underlying meaning. For example:

(9)Try our sweet corn, you'll smile from ear to ear.


 It is a very successful advertisement of corn. Here the word "ear" has double meanings, "the organ of hearing" and "tassel of corn". Therefore, "from ear to ear" has two contexts: successive corns, and continuous laugh, which can be associated by the products the advertisement promotes and describe people's affection for corn.

   It is reasonable to comprehend the ads like that: tasting the corn makes you good appetite, degusting the corn forces you sweet smile. By composing the one sentence into two levels of meanings and analyzing the two image of "corn", the influence of advertisement is achieved successfully.

Another example:

(10) The unique spirit of Canada.


Here the word “spirit” makes the advertisement of alcohol lifelike. It can be comprehended in two meanings: firewater and pneuma. Therefore, the double semantic meanings of “spirit” are translated into two parts “酒” and “精神” respectively.

It is worth mentioning that although this method retains the double meanings of pun, it fails to keep the charm of humor and concision of the original pun.

3.3.3 Sets translation(套译法)

Brown (1994:47) describes the relationship between culture and language as follows: “A language is a part of a culture and a culture is a part of a language; the two are intricately interwoven so that one cannot separate the two without losing the significance of either language or culture”[10]. Some pun of English advertisement occurs on the basis of certain cultural background. As the development of language, its writing styles and characters are influenced by the culture and it forms the phrases(成语), common sayings(俗语), proverbs(谚语), a two-part allegorical saying(歇后语) and so on. Therefore, the pun can be translated by taking natural mode into consideration. By taking advantage of the natural mode, the translation of pun can play a role of transporting the content of original culture and keeping the concise language character.

For example,

(11)"We take no pride in prejudice".


 This is an excellent sentence used in TIMES, which originated from Jane Austen's word-famous masterpiece named "Pride and Prejudice". By using it for reference, the producer aims to claim that he is unbiased toward anything and determines to be righteous and trustful. According to what people have known in the daily life, they would find the meaning of advertisement familiar and understandable. The advantage of this technique is to transfer the essence of culture and maintain the concise language style of source language while the essence of pun is unable to be expressed completely. Therefore, the target language will lose some humor and tact.

3.3.4 Priority translation(侧重译法)


The unique presentation of pun is not about the combination of the source language and target language, not about the decomposition of the meaning, but about the way of attaching importance to certain part of the version. That means emphasizing the underlying meaning instead of literal meaning. In Eugene Nida’s book Toward a Science of Translating, he defines dynamic translation as “the closest natural equivalent to the source-language message”[11]. (Nida 2001b, 166) When some advertisements contain several puns, the translator chooses to adopt this means to retain the meaning of source text. In another word, pun turns to be pun-unlike.

For example:

(12) The driver is safer when the road is dry;

The road is safer when the driver is dry.


Here "dry" consists of double meaning: 1.without moisture or water  2. not drunk. When translating the advertisement, "dry" applies the surface meaning to the first sentence, the underlying meaning to the second sentence. Therefore, it can be translated like that: the dry road keep the driver safe; the level-headed driver keep the road safe. With such contrast, it is easy to alert the people the importance of safe driving.

The method of priority translation is adopted by translators in most cases when the pun of source language is unable to be explained completely. Although the information of the source language can be transferred in priority, its language is presented in a mild and plain way instead of the humor and wit.

3.3.5 Compensation translation(补偿译法)


To some degree, translation means comparing cultures. Translators interpret source-culture phenomena in the light of their own culture-specific knowledge of that culture. A foreign culture can only be perceived by means of comparison with our own culture, the culture of our primary enculturation.

Besides, when the translator interprets one level of meaning but contain uncompleted presentation and content, the compensation is appropriate to overcome the problems by making use of sound or vision. In order to provide the whole content of the advertisements precisely, the assistant of media, such as the picture of television, the voice of radio or other things is necessary. With the help of these, the lost information and content, which is impossible to be conveyed through the language, can now be supplemented and the advertisements are also able to catch audiences' eyes and give them a deep impression.

For example:

(13) OIC


   This is an advertisement of one well-known brand of glasses. This three letters are the abbreviation of the sentence of “oh, I see”. Besides, the pronunciation of these letters is identical to that of the sentence. The advertiser smartly makes use of visual language as well as auditory language to attract consumers and bring comfort to them. If it is printed in paper media, consumers can easily comprehend it when they notice the shape of these letters, which looks like the shape of the glass. However, the translation of “OIC” can hardly match the English version with the loss of visual function and the pun in pronunciation.

The advantage of the method is that it can make use of auditory language and visual language to make up for the lost information of the advertisements that can not be conveyed by words only. Besides, the form of advertisements can give people deep impression. However, without the help of these compensation means, the advertisements can not play the vested role and can’t make people comprehend precisely.


Through the general study of pun and the discussion on its translatability, this thesis holds that to some extent, most of the puns can be translated. However, only some puns can be translated without any loss in the target language. With careless translation, some translated texts of puns even confuse the target readers. Therefore, it is very crucial to have a good acquisition of flexible translating techniques of puns and apply them successfully to English advertisement translation.

Through the analysis of various examples of pun translations, the thesis comes to conclude that the choice of certain translation techniques is greatly determined by the context. When there is an unbalance between source language and target language in their connotation or usages, translators should choose the method of semantic translation, priority translation or compensation translation. When the equivalent dictions can be found in target language and the connotation of the original pun can be reproduced, it is better to adopt the remaining means: fit translation and sets translation.


I would like to extend my thanks from the deepest bottom of my heart to those who have provided me useful suggestions to complete this thesis well. I am especially grateful to Miss Fang, my supervisor, who has offered me so much worthy direction and considerate help. Without her close guidance, this thesis would not be what it is now. 

I also would like to express my gratitude to so many classmates who have given me so precise information from library and website. What they have taught me greatly help me learn a lot in my study.


, Second College Edition.

[2] Longman Dictionary of the English Language[Z]  New York Publishing Press. 1995: 1143.

[3] 李鑫华, 英语修辞格详论[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000.

[4] 冯庆华.实用翻译教程[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002.

[5] Xu Zhong Bing, The Varieties and Translation of English Puns[J]. Foreign Language (1996.06)

[6] Eugene A Nida, On Translation[M]. Bejing: China Translation Publishing House, 1984.

[7] Wikipedia, 2007. Answers.com 17 May 2007.

[8]张南峰,Delabastita 的双关语翻译理论在英汉翻译中的应用[J]. 中国翻译,2003

[9] Delabastita, Dirk. (ed.). Traductio: Essays on Punning and Translation[M]. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 1997. 

[10] Brown, H. D. (1994). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (3rd ed). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents, 47.

. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.


[关键词]双重翻译 影视广告 文化语境





影视广告作品的创意性很强,尤其是国外的作品。广告饕餮之夜在全世界的风行足可以说明。法国广告收藏家布尔西科先生是“广告饕餮之夜”的创办者。它是广告专业人士的盛会,它的大门是向所有人敞开的,业内人士可以从中看到。学到广告的创意表现手法:圈外人士也从中得到愉悦与礼堂享受。它的成功重要的是它为年轻观众提供了一个心情发泄的绝好场所,是一所欢快、理智的发泄。热而不狂。“广告饕餮之夜”为观众准备的就是一道广告大餐。就是要每位到场的观众都能得到娱乐和获得满足。广告饕餮之夜在全球已经展映了24个年头。评价影视广告作品的主要标准为:原创性、冲击力和相关性。创意是影视广告的灵魂。也是实现营销任务的重要手段。在翻译影视时,单纯地对语言进行翻译。只能说达到了翻译要求上的“信”。还达不到“雅”的水平。影视广告作品本身创意与语言翻译的分离降低了影视广告作品的自身艺术魅力。如1 996年嘎纳广告节影视广告Blackcurrent Tanqo of Britvic Soft Drinks的Saint George篇。由于篇幅限制,只能简要讲述。故事情节如下:该公司的公关经理Saint Georg站在写字楼窗前念一封法国留学生罗尔的来信。罗尔的信中说,他尝了新潮Tango。但并不喜欢这种口味。Saint Georg越说越愤怒,激动地走出写字楼,边说边脱去衣服。走过街道。跟随的人越来越多,走出城市。等到脱的只剩下一条拳击短裤时,他来到拳击场中,挥舞拳头地说。这并不需要你,我们跟你决斗。背后出现的是三架英国鹞式战斗机在上空盘旋,广告到此停止。语言翻译很通顺。也没有语病,但是很多人看不懂,更不要说不清楚为什么获奖。该影视广告创意表现是以英法这两个民族之间的互相取笑历史为出发点。并利用英国式的幽默表达出来。没有这样的创意背景性资料的了解,单纯地翻译是不能达到最好的翻译效果。




当然,翻译课程也需要翻译理论、翻译研究成果来指导的。关于中国译学研究所存在的问题,我国翻译学界知名学者吕教授俊认为是:“始终缺乏一种直觉的自主性,这就使得译学作为一门独立的二级学科显示出更多的依附,最主要的表现就是“跟风”现象[4](吕俊2014:1)我们认为我国德汉、汉德互译最大的问题莫过于还没有真正开展起来。一方面,教德汉互译的人并不少, 起码有8所高校德语专业开设了德语的翻译硕士(MTI),另一方面,这方面的书籍、教材很少,这方面的研究论文很少,只要看看中国知网(CNKI)就知道了,有价值的、有真知灼见的原创论文就更少。我们的德语研究、翻译研究中人云亦云的比较多。




在现代汉语里,“应用文”指日常生活或工作中经常应用的文体,如公文、书信、广告、收据等[5]。在现代德语里,“应用文”这个概念,常见的有三个词:Schriftverkehrs- kunde,normative Schreiben,Musterbriefe。Normativ这个词根据德语国家最权威的《杜登德语通用大词典》指的是:(bildungsspr.)als Richtschnur,Norm dienend; eine Regel,einen Ma?stab für etw. darstellend,abgebend[6].









根据我们的教学目标,借鉴国外的教学经验并根据“德汉一般应用文互译”的特点,我们将教学和实践内容分为以下六个模块:关于德汉一般应用文的预备性知识(“一般应用文”的定义,“应用文”的特征,书信的格式、德国的邮政编码体系、部分欧洲国家代码及其缩略字母、信纸的格式、信面排列法、地点与日期的常见写法、结尾礼辞的常见写法),怎样翻译和写祝贺类贺信和贺卡,怎样翻译和写邀请信、回绝以及应允邀请信,怎样翻译和写感谢信、唁函和慰唁函,怎样翻译和设计广告以及怎样翻译和写其他题材的德语信件/文体。设计的教学内容十分丰富。例如:模块5怎样翻译和设计广告包含以下内容:5.1怎样翻译和写广告征婚和交友广告/Heirats- und Bekanntschaftsanzeige; 5.2 怎样翻译和写生育广告/Geburtsanzeige; 5.3 怎样翻译和写订婚广告/Anzeigen zur Verlobung; 5.4 怎样翻译和起草结婚广告/Anzeige zur Hochzeit; 5.5 怎样翻译和起草庆祝银婚、金婚广告/Silberne/Goldene Hochzeit; 5.6怎样翻译和起草生日祝贺广告/Glueckwunschanzeigen=keine strenge Form; 5.7 怎样翻译和起草讣告/Todesanzeige; 5.8怎样翻译和起草不动产广告/Immobilienanzeigen; 5.9怎样翻译和起草出售物品广告/Verkaufszanzeige; 5.10 怎样翻译和写求购/广告Kaufgesuche。模块6“怎样翻译和写其他题材的德语信件/范文”包含如下内容:6.1怎样翻译和起草官方信件; 6.2怎样翻译和起草工作证明( Arbeitsnachweis);6.3怎样翻译和起草个人简历;6.4怎样翻译和写议论文;6.5怎样翻译法律文书例如《青年保护法》(Jugendschutz);6.6怎样翻译报刊文章;6.7怎样翻译成绩单; 6.8怎样翻译教育类专业文章; 6.9怎样翻译微型小说; 6.10怎样翻译经济类文章和统计图表。




为了训练和培养学生的翻译能力,我们为此针对以上6个板块进行了专门的习题设计。设计习题的原则是,面向实践,面向实用,面向实际,难度适中,题材多样,注重中德文化差异。例如,在学习5.1怎样翻译和写广告征婚和交友广告/Heirats-und Bekanntschaftsanzeige时,除了让学生以教材为中心,弄懂原文,将德文征婚广告翻译成中文外,还要求学生翻译习题集里的来自国内报刊上的征婚交友广告并注意提醒学生注意文化差异。中国人的征婚广告注意学历、财富、职业,不大注意自身或者对方的性格、爱好。相反,德语里的征婚广告一般不注意学历、财富。其实找对象关键是双方合得来,婚姻才能长久,财富是可以创造的,人是关键。这就是文化差异。其实,我们现在最缺的,是对德国传统文化的研究,即德国人自己定义概念中的传统德国[8]。

关于写作能力的培养,这里主要是训练学生怎样用德语来写各种信、起草各类广告、写贺卡、写工作证明。至于法律文体,就不用练习,因为那类工作无论是在德国还是在中国都是法学家的事。例如,在学习第二模块“怎样翻译和写祝贺类贺信和贺卡”时,在学完“贺卡上的简单祝贺的翻译和写作”后,这里的待翻译的贺卡原文是:Ein glückliches und frohes Weihnachtsfest wünscht Dietlind Wünsche.要求学生用德语起草一个关于祝贺中国人过春节的贺卡。在讲评学生起草的德语贺卡贺词之后,在注重格式的前提下,特别强调遣词造句,也就是修辞学视角下的选词问题。在学习(2.1)圣诞贺信的翻译和写作/Weihnachtsgruesse时,我们及时要求学生在课内起草一封写给老师的春节贺信。





第三,教学质量的管控问题。正如前面谈到了,我国高校德语专业开设这门集德汉互译和写作于一体的课程还是处于开始阶段。我们的建议是,(1)教材的编写。这样做的目的是可以确保教学内容被教授,教学质量跟学习多少还是有关系的。学得多,掌握得好,肯定质量就会比学得少,掌握得不到位要强。(2)加强教学经验的交流。“德汉一般应用文互译”课程属于初创阶段,教学难度大,对教师的业务水平和教学经验都有很高的要求。任课教师压力很大。开展教学经验的交流对于推动本课程的教学,提高教学质量一定会有很大的帮助。(3)推广好的教学设计环节。例如在学习第二模块“怎样翻译和写祝贺类贺信和贺卡”的2.1.1 向Dr. Schmidt祝贺节日时,我们是这么处理的。这里摘录原文如下:

2.1.1 向Dr. Schmidt祝贺节日

Bonn, 20.12.2014

Lieber Herr Dr. Schmidt,

Ihnen und Ihrer sehr verehrten Gattin darf ich zum bevorstehenden Weihnachtsfest die besten Wuensche uebersenden. Moege Ihnen auch das kommende Jahr weiterhin Gesundheit, Glueck fuer alle Ihre Pflicht und schoene geschaeftliche Erfolge bringen. Auch meine Frau schliesst sich diesen Wuenschen an und bittet, sie Ihrer Gattin freundlichst zu empfehlen.

Ihr sehr ergebener Wang Kun.





[1] 贾文键,魏育青. 中国德语本科专业调研报告[C]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2010.

[2] 戴炜栋,胡文仲. 中国外语教育发展研究(1949―2009)[C]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009:412.

[3] 黎东良. 常用德语英语对比语法[M]. 上海:同济大学出版社,2013:1.

[4] 吕俊.目前我国译学研究的困境与出路[J]. 上海科技翻译,2014(3):1-6.

[5] 中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室. 现代汉语词典[Z]. 北京:商务印书馆,2011:1637.

[6] Duden Deutsches Universalwoerterbuch[Z]. 7. überarbeitete Auflage.Mannheim:Dudenverlag, 2011.


>> 广告中的互文性分析 广告翻译的互文性视角 广告话语的互文性研究 广告语中的互文性及其翻译 浅析广告语篇中的“互文性” 互文性在商业广告中的应用 论广告语篇的体裁互文性 广告文本“伪互文性”探析 互文性与科普著作中文化意义的翻译 数字阅读与导读中的“互文性”分析 互文性的批评话语分析 仿作:《夜猎》的互文性分析 房地产广告中的互文性及其意识建构 从互文性视角看其对广告商标翻译的价值 浅析互文性在广告语篇中的运用 互文性:广告语翻译研究的新视角 论文本互文性在商务广告翻译中的应用 广告翻译小议――一种互文性视角 《色・戒》互文性分析 “互渗律”与“互文性”的彰显 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:)


2.2 互文性有助于广告获得潜在顾客的信赖

案例2:起亚首席设计师,欧洲三大汽车设计师之一的Peter Schreyer 认为 “最简约的设计往往给人最强烈印象”,“在世界任何一个角落,一眼就能认出是起亚汽车,这将是今后要赋予起亚的整体设计思路”。(08/07/21/A20)

案例2为具体互文的引用。这则广告引用了起亚首席设计师、欧洲三大汽车设计师之一的Peter Schreyer的话来为广告增加说服力,突出产品的简约特点,有助于广告获得潜在顾客的信赖。此类互文性的应用必须选择引用此领域的专家,在广告中需凸显产品权威专家的头衔才能更好地达到其说服性的功能。Peter Schreyer 作为汽车设计领域的权威人物,尤其“欧洲三大设计师之一”的头衔构成了他在汽车设计领域的专家身份,从而使他的话语有了一定的权威性和引导性,进而增强了该广告的劝说功能,增强了潜在客户对产品的信赖感。

2.3 互文性使得广告更具审美价值



2.4 互文性使得广告容易记忆

案例4:车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车 (08/06/03/C03)


3 结语



[1] Allen, G.Intertextuality[M].London: Routledge,2000.

[2] 黄国文.语篇分析的理论与实践:广告语篇研究[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.

[3] 韩金龙.广告语篇互文性研究[J].重庆:四川外语学院学报,2005.


[论文摘要] 广告成功的关键是要抓住广告受众的认知心理。关联理论作为探索交际与认知关系的语用理论,对于以实现AIDA功能为目的的广告翻译具有强大的解释力。本文运用关联理论中的最佳关联原则,通过实例分析广告翻译的基本策略。










译文:Buy a Diamond brand watch, if every second counts for you。

广告译文抓住了受众的认知语境,利用受众熟悉的表达,迎合他们的价值观。然而,和原文对比,除了“钻石牌手表”与a Diamond brand watch对应之外,几乎没有什么相关。但是,译文含蓄地表达出原文的蕴含意义,别出心裁地运用英语的双关语count——具有“计时”和“有价值”的双重含义,把语言的技巧发挥得淋漓尽致。再现了原文让顾客“购买”的祈使功能。



译文:Standing by the side of the picturesque Nanxi River, a newly opened resort by the state in south Zhejiang, is Yongjia Teaching Instrument Factory——a head enterprise well known in and out of China for manufacturing teaching facilities.

原文先从旅游胜地——楠溪江风景区说起,详细描述景区的别致景色后,该段最后点睛“值此……教仪厂”。而译文省略了原文中所有关于景色的描写,说明位置后直接点出中心—— Yongjia Teaching Instrument Factory,接着进一步叙述该厂在全国的知名度和地位,可谓中心突出。


谚语往往能冲淡受众认知语境中对来自异国他乡的产品的陌生感。这种方法的最大好处在于译语中的习语谚语可以不着痕迹,巧妙地把产品与广告目的受众拉近。下面是一则治疗心脏病的名叫“速效救心丸”(Quick Results Heart-Save Pill)的药物广告:



译文:A friend in need is a friend indeed.





[1]Sperber, Dan and Deirdre Wilson. Relevance: Communication and Cognition[M]. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986

[2]何兆雄:新编语用学概要[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000

[3]黄国文:语篇分析概要[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1988


[关键词] 电影片名;翻译;广告;忠实



ノ阌怪靡,电影片名确实具有一定的广告宣传功能。一部电影的片名会在一定程度上影响其推广,好的电影片名能吸引观众,不好的片名则可能拒人千里之外。但是否这就意味着:电影片名翻译就等同于广告翻译呢?这个问题似乎不过是“仁者见仁,智者见智”,目前学者们对这个问题的论及大多只是源于表象或个人体会而作的随感性表述,即使有少数学者借用某些理论来支撑,但并不具有很强的说服力。岳峰(2000:42)在 《香港译者翻译外国电影片名的同化趋向》一文中,首先指出香港进口电影的译名按严复“信达雅”标准而直译的不到15%,85%以上的片名翻译都是不同程度上经过发挥改动而具有同化趋向,至此他提出“电影片名是一种广告”,但并未深入论证这一论断,只是继续以香港广告界翻译中的同化倾向来解释香港译者的电影片名英汉翻译行为。李群明确提出“电影片名翻译不是文本翻译,而是广告翻译” (2002:43),并且试图为传统翻译理论界认为的“乱译”“俗译”正名,他认为“大众的口味是定名的指南”“‘哗众取宠’‘俗不可耐’恰恰正是决定片名的重要指南,因为大多数观众的口味都是随俗入流的”(2002:44)。 虽然他指出电影片名翻译的理论根据可以从现代信息理论、交际理论、读者分析法理论中找到(同上),但其随后的论证却颇有些牵强附会,并不具说服力。郑玉琪在《小议电影片名的英汉翻译原则》一文中突出强调了电影片名的广告宣传功能,提到“片名就是电影的商标和广告”(2006:66),而其理论依据即是引用李群上文观点。笔者在此无意于引起相关争论,只是想借此表明,将电影片名翻译归入广告翻译的做法尚缺乏足够依据。










Chicago 芝加哥

Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡

Harry Potter哈利•波特

True Lies 真实的谎言

Shindlers List 辛德勒名单

The Mummy木乃伊

Rain Man雨人

Brave Heart勇敢的心

Independence Day独立日

The Sound of Music音乐之声

Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶

Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears 莫斯科不相信眼泪


オOne Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 飞越疯人院

Orient Express东方快车谋杀案

Kramer vs.Kramer克莱默夫妇

Elizabeth 伊丽莎白女王

Cats and Dogs猫狗大战



The Net网络惊魂

Just Married 新婚告急

Youve Got Mail 网络情缘

Once Upon a Time in America美国往事


オKate and Leopold隔世情缘

The Matrix黑客帝国


Generals Daughter西点揭密

Top Gun壮志凌云

Home Alone小鬼当家

Pretty Woman风月俏佳人

Stuart Little 精灵鼠小弟


オHobsons Choice (本义为:不容选择;别无选择) 霍布逊的选择

American Beauty (本义为:美国的一种花;蔷薇) 美国丽人

Cleopatra (本义为:埃及女王) 埃及艳后


ト、结 语



[1] 陈新良.论“忠实”作为翻译标准及其意义[J].四川外语学院学报,2007(02).

[2] 李群.片名翻译对“忠实”的颠覆:电影片名翻译的现状及理论根据[J].北京第二外国语学院学报,2002(05).

[3] 林秋云.外国电影片名翻译简论[J].上海科技翻译,1996(03).

[4] 钱英霞,刘建青,等.试析英文电影片名的汉译[J].电影文学,2007(16).

[5] 许钧.文学翻译的理论与实践[M].南京:译林出版社,2001:118.

[6] 余东.虽不能至,心向往之:关于翻译标准的思考[J].中国翻译,2005(06).

[7] 岳峰.香港译者翻译外国电影片名的同化趋向[J].北京电影学院学报,2000(03).


>> 从奈达“功能对等”理论来看汽车品牌的翻译 从奈达的功能对等理论看香水品牌的翻译 从奈达的“功能对等”理论浅析商业广告的翻译策略 从奈达的功能对等理论看英汉习语翻译 从文化交流的角度看奈达功能对等理论的局限性 奈达功能对等论的翻译研究 奈达的功能对等理论在经贸英语翻译中的应用 浅析尤金.奈达的功能对等翻译理论 浅议尤金·奈达功能对等理论在翻译中的应用 奈达功能对等理论下的儿童文学翻译 浅论尤金·奈达的功能对等理论 奈达功能对等理论在中国的接受 从功能对等理论角度分析翻译对等 从奈达功能对等理论浅析中英电影片名翻译 奈达“功能对等”和严复“信、达、雅”理论视阈下的中西翻译原则对比研究 尤金奈达功能对等翻译理论对我国唐代诗歌翻译的影响 从奈达的功能对等理论看国际商务英语翻译中的文化信息等值问题 从功能对等理论角度浅析旅游推介中的英汉翻译 从功能对等理论角度浅析WTO法律文本的翻译 奈达功能对等理论刍议 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

[6]Edwin Gentzler.Contemporary Translation Theories [M].Clevedon,England;Buffalo,N.Y. :Multilingual Matters Ltd., 2001.1.














