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【知识要点1】 Why don’t you get a camera for her?

【要点分析】 “Why don’t you + v.?”意思是“你为什么不……?”,是用来给对方提建议的常用句型,也可转换为“Why not+v.?”(为什么不……?)。

【中考链接】 ―I don’t have a partner to play table tennis with.

―Why ________ a sports club to practice a lot? (2008湖北宜昌)

A. don’t join B. not joining

C. not to joinD. don’t you join

【知识要点2】 How about a scarf?

What about watching English movies, or reading English books?

【要点分析】 How about ...? = What about...? 意思是“……怎么样?”,是一个常用征求对方意见的句型,后面可跟名词、代词、动词-ing形式。

【中考链接】 ―Tomorrow is our holiday. What ______ going hiking?

―That sounds great. (2008广东湛江)

A. of B. for C. on D. about

【知识要点3】 What a lucky guy!

【要点分析】 由what引导的感叹句用来修饰名词,句型结构为:(1)What + a / an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + 主语 +谓语!(2)What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 / 可数名词复数 + 主语 + 谓语!由how引导的 感叹句,句型结构为:How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语!在how与 what引导的感叹句中,有时候其主、谓语部分均可省略。

【中考链接】 ―What does your uncle do?

―He is a policeman.

―________ dangerous job it is! (2008新疆)

A. What a B. What an

C. HowD. How a

【知识要点4】 Dogs are too difficult to take care of.

【要点分析】 too ... to ... 的意思是“太……而不能……”,结构为“too + 形容词或副词 + to + 动词原形”。

【中考链接】 The girl is ________ young ________ dress herself. (2008广西北海)

A. as; as B. more; than

C. too; toD. not so; as

【知识要点5】 They only cost five dollars.

【要点分析】 cost的意思是“价值(若干)、花费(多少钱)”,一般要用物来作主语。

【中考链接】 The funny toy monkey _______ Sandy five dollars. (2008四川成都)

A. cost B. spentC. used

【知识要点6】 Later, the same gift may be given away to someone else.

【要点分析】 give away的意思是“赠送”,是由“动词+副词”构成的短语动词,当宾语是代词时,要放在副词的前面。当宾语是名词时,可以放在副词前面,也可放在副词后面。

【中考链接】 The rich man has decided to ______ everything he has to charity. (2008湖北襄樊)

A. set up B. turn on

C. put off D. give away

【知识要点7】 In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.

【要点分析】 rather than 的意思是“而不是……”,“与其……倒不如”,“宁可,宁愿”可以连接词类相同的词或短语。

【中考链接】 从ABCD四个选项中,选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或相近并能替代的那一项。

―Would you like a cup of coffee?

―Sorry. I’ll have a cold drink rather than coffee. (2008湖北黄冈)

A. would than B. would rather

C. instead D. instead of

【知识要点8】 This kind of contest encourages people in China to speak English.

【要点分析】 encourage的意思是“鼓励;激励”,后面可接动词不定式作宾语补足语。

【中考链接】 His parents often encourage him ______ hard. (2008陕西省)

A. workB. workingC. to workD. works

【知识要点9】 She also said that singing English songs made her more interested in learning English.

【要点分析】形容词interested意思是“感兴趣的”,一般用于be interested in结构中,主语一般为某人,意思是“(某人)对……感兴趣”。

【中考链接】 用所给词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整正确。

Most of the students aren’t _______(interesting) in the article. (2008内蒙古乌兰察布市)

【知识要点10】 Maybe you could even make friends with a native speaker of English.

【要点分析】 make friends with 是一个固定短语,意思是“与……交朋友”。


Alice is so nice that everyone likes to ________(交朋友) her. (2007河北省)

Keys: 1. D2. D3. A4. C5. A6. D7. D8. C9. interested10. make friends with

Unit 9

【知识要点1】 Have you ever been to an amusement park?

【要点分析】 have / has been to... 的意思是“曾经去过某地”,所指的是曾经去过,现在已经回来了。have / has gone to... 的意思是“去了某地”,表示人已离开尚未回来,可能已经到达了目的地,也可能在途中。

【中考链接】 ―May I speak to Tom?

―Sorry, he is not at home. He _______ to Shanghai. (2008湖南长沙)

A. has beenB. has gone

C. goesD. is

【知识要点2】―I have never been to a water park.

―Me neither.

【要点分析】 “Me neither.”意思是“我也不”,相当于“Neither have I.”。

【中考链接】 ―Have you ever been to Hangzhou, Lucy ?

―No, I haven’t. What about you?

―________. (2008四川达州)

A. So do IB. Me neither.

C. Me tooD. So have I

【知识要点3】 On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese.

【要点分析】 quarter的意思是“四分之一”,也可说成one fourth;“四分之三”可说成three quarters,也可说成three fourths。英语中分数的表达方法是:分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子是大于1的整数时,分母要用复数形式。分数修饰名词作主语的时候,谓语动词的单、复数要由所修饰的名词来确定:如果是不可数名词,则谓语动词用单数;如果是复数名词,则用复数。

【中考链接】 ________ of the money ________ been spent recycling the rubbish. (2008内蒙古包头)

A. Three fourths; has B. Three fourths; have

C. Three fourth; hasD. Three fourth; have

【知识要点4】 This is because the island is so close to the equator.

【要点分析】 close to意思是“很近;在附近”,与near意思相同。

【中考链接】 ―Where do you often exercise?

―I often exercise in a park. It’s close to my house. (2007湖北黄冈)

A. next to B. close to